All Saints Anglican Church
Administrative Volunteers - Led by Edie Harkey
The Church Office relies on a volunteer staff of volunteers who help with basic office reception, production of communications, and special projects.
Altar Guild - Led by Jennifer Potts
This ministry assists the clergy by preparing the altar and altar table for all worship and maintaining and caring for the sacred vessels and altar linens.
Audio/Visual Team - Led by Chris Mann
The Tech Team serves to enhance the services with sound, slides, and livestreaming.
Caring Ministries - Led by Rev. Joseph Bruno
The Caring Ministries team assists the pastor by reaching out to members at home, in hospitals or nursing facilities bringing communion, meals as needed, encouragement and support.
Community Garden - Led by John Yurko
The community garden provides a area of ground suitable for growing vegetables and flowers and is available to members of the church as well as community members at no cost.
Facilities - Led by Brandon Vargas
Maintaining the church, church office, and grounds in good running order and appearance is a continuous job that takes many volunteers to accomplish.
Finance Committee/Counters/Signers - Led by Charles Laughinghouse
The Finance Committee maintains the financial stability of the church. This team also supports the Vestry by providing financial and process analysis and recommendations.
Hospitality Team - Led by Carol Wray
The Hospitality Team is tasked with the responsibility of reaching out with kindness and service facilitating special events, picnics, dinners, holiday activities, Sunday fellowship hour, and more.
International Missions - Led by Joy Whichard
This outreach committee seeks to provide information and opportunities for members to respond to the Great Commission. "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."
Lay Readers/Acolytes/Chalicers - Led by Sheri Laughinghouse
Lay readers, acolytes, and chalicers serve on the altar during all services, assisting the pastor with communion, reading the Word, and helping to maintain and important part of our traditions.
Local Outreach - Led by Channey Blackburn
Local Outreach reacts to the needs of the community in the areas of food support, caring ministry to nursing home residents, hospice and cancer patients, physical and safety needs in the homes of elderly members through Sons of Stephen, and working with NCPacks4Patriots to send caring touches to military overseas. The Knitting and Crochet Ministry touches not only the elderly, but children in the Head Start programs and Appalachian project for Christmas.
Men's Discipleship - Led by Frank Schreier
Men's Discipleship focuses on teaching/helping men to be men, building relationship with others, understanding what God's Word teaches about men and what it means to be a man. This group strives to help men grow spiritually in God's Word.
Nursery - Led by Greta Kearns
Nursery volunteers provide a safe and fun environment for babies through three years while parents and adults can be fully present with God during a worship service.
Prayer Ministries - Led by Normandie Fischer
The Prayer Team is is called to pray for the body of Christ as a whole, to minister God's healing, peace, and joy, and to intercede for the lost.
Sunday School - Led by Judah and Chanda McNiel
Sunday school is children ages 4 through 11. This ministry also provides special events during the year for children and their families, including movie nights, packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child, the Jesse Tree, and outdoor exploration and picnics at Camp Albemarle.
Vestry - Led by Frank Schreier
The Vestry is a board of nine members who come together monthly to oversee the financial affairs of the church, maintenance of properties, and insurance of compliance with All Saints' ecclesiastical jurisdiction, the Anglican Church in North America. Election of new Vestry members occurs in January of each year at our Annual Meeting.
Welcome Team - Led by Mary Kingsley
This team is responsible for welcoming those who visit ASAC and helping them step through the process to new membership. Ushers and Greeters play an important role in this ministry by being the first faces of the Welcome Committee.
Women's Discipleship - Led by Katie Linka and Marilyn Harding
The Women's Discipleship group is called to shepherd and provide for the spiritual care and growth of the women of All Saints through small group gatherings in the church or members' homes.
Worship Team - Led by Kendra Eppard
The Worship Team is responsible for leading the musical elements of the contemporary service at 10:30 AM. This team meets on Thursday evenings to spend time together in prayer and reading God's Word, as well as rehearing music for Sunday and any special events.
Youth Group - Led by Judah and Chanda McNiel
The Youth Group offers youth a space to explore their walk with Christ, express their thoughts and feelings, and learn about the Bible from Christ-following adults. This group has weekly Wednesday night gatherings and the occasional special event.