All Saints Anglican Church
Welcome to All Saints. We hope this website is helpful in answering any questions you may have. We would love to meet you in person! You're invited to join us Sunday mornings at our 9am or 10:30am services.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between your services?
Our 9:00am service is "traditional" with more liturgical elements present. The music is typically led out of a hymnal. Our 10:30 service utilizes contemporary worship music and is lead by a praise band made up of modern instruments.
What do I do during Communion?
We would love to have you participate in communion with us, regardless of your denomination. All Christians that have been baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit may partake. You can stand or kneel at the rail - whichever you feel comfortable with. We offer both wine and non-alcoholic wine as well as a gluten-free option.
What should I wear?
Come as you are! You will see all types of dress among our congregation, from skirts and dresses to jeans and t-shirts. Wear whatever makes you comfortable.
What about my children?
We provide Sunday School during the 10:30 service for ages 4-11. We have wonderful volunteers who are excited to meet your kids and teach them the Word of God! Nursery for the littlest members of your family is also available for the entirety of the 9:00am and 10:30am service. For more info, visit the Children's Ministry page found under "ministries" at the menu above.
Are your facilities handicapped accessible?
Yes! Our entire facility is accessible - from the stage to the bathrooms and offices. We have multiple handicap parking spaces, a roundabout for easy drop-off, wheelchair ramps, and wide hallways.